DQ 1888. Pic from spiritualbangalore.com |
DharmaQuiz Session 300: 10-Oct-2014#DharmaQuiz 1886: This week we had the jayanti of Ramayana's writer.
Also, a famous Rajput princess famous for Rama/Krishna bhajans. Who? Ans:
Meera#DharmaQuiz 1887: Tomorrow is Karva Chauth.
According to Vikram Samvat calendar, which month's Krishna's paksha's 4th day is this festival? Ans:
Kartik.#DharmaQuiz 1888: Last Saturday was Jayanti of this philosopher from 13 century.
Considered Vayu's 3rd avatara.
Who? Ans:
Madhwacharya#DharmaQuiz 1889: A few days after Diwali, a famous sun worship puja happens in North India.
Name it. Ans:
Chhath puja. @SaugataChaterje informs that it was started by Karna.
DQ 1889. Pic from Wiki |
{Final,Open till 10.00PM} #DharmaQuiz 1890: 12 days from now is Naraka Chaturdashi. Krishna slayed a demon on this day. Name that asura. Ans:
Narakasura.Answers for session 300:
- @ajaypawardr : 5
- @karthikjana : 5
- @KaushikRg : 5
- @kishor_narayan : 5
- @HarishankarSY : 5
- @pramod_klr : 4
- @stormylook : 4
- @mdbiyani : 4
- @rajeshrajput1 : 4
- @Mamdhata : 3
- @Simuntweets : 3
- @DrShobha : 3
- @supportnmforpm : 3
- @drarora_gaurav : 3
- @drswapnilm : 3
- @meenabg : 3
- @sarvankarthik6 : 2
- @SnookyBangalore : 2
- @JpackJack : 2
- @BharatKandpal2 : 1
- @skdeshpande : 1
- @jgdanjesh : 1
- @kiranGowda0007 : 1
- @harishinamdar : 1
- @trivedianupam : 1
- @DeepeshLakhera : 1
- @deshi_mangoman : 1
- @pankaj165 : 1
- @NeenaSinha : 1
- @Deipakk : 1
- @ushamirra : 1
- @VishnuDhanuka : 1
- @Ashishkr101 : 1
- @sandeepgandotra : 1
- @pchaturved : 1
- @SaugataChaterje : 1
- @vschanna : 1
- @aachedeen : 1
- @basuhan9 : 1
- @gppatil2281 : 1
- @Prach82 : 1
- @Suri_Sing : 1
- @raghavendra3190 : 1
- @TheArvindDhar : 1
- @vasenvy : 1
- @nikhil__13 : 1
- @piyushkaul : 1
- @peeyushmalhotra : 1
- @sreekannoth : 1
- @PoonamV_ : 1
- @enlightend_mind : 1
- @Earthlingum : 1
300 sessions of Dharmaquiz over 4 years!!
Congratulations to all the loyal participants. Thank you.